Are Tires Covered Under New Car Warranty?

As a car owner, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of your new car warranty. While many people assume that everything in a brand new car is covered by the warranty, the truth is that certain parts and components may not be included. One of these components that often raises questions is the tires. Are they covered under the new car warranty or not?

The answer to this question can vary depending on the manufacturer and the specific terms of your warranty. Some car manufacturers provide a separate warranty for tires, while others may include them as part of the overall new car warranty. In this article, we will explore the details of tire coverage under new car warranties and help you understand what to expect as a car owner.

Are Tires Covered Under New Car Warranty?

When you purchase a new car, you may be wondering what exactly is covered under the warranty. One question that often comes up is whether or not the tires are covered. In this article, we will explore whether or not tires are included in a new car warranty.

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What is a New Car Warranty?

A new car warranty is a guarantee from the manufacturer that certain parts of the car will be repaired or replaced if they fail within a certain timeframe. Warranties vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, but they typically cover defects in materials or workmanship.

What is Typically Covered Under a New Car Warranty?

New car warranties usually cover major components of the vehicle, such as the engine, transmission, and drivetrain. They may also cover other parts of the car, such as the air conditioning system or the electrical system.

What is Typically Not Covered Under a New Car Warranty?

There are some things that are typically not covered under a new car warranty. These include things like routine maintenance, wear and tear items like brake pads and windshield wipers, and damage caused by accidents or misuse.

Are Tires Covered Under a New Car Warranty?

In most cases, tires are not covered under a new car warranty. This is because tires are considered a wear and tear item, and are expected to be replaced periodically. However, some manufacturers may offer a separate warranty for tires, or may include a limited warranty that covers defects in the tires themselves.

What is a Tire Warranty?

A tire warranty is a separate guarantee from the manufacturer of the tires that provides coverage for defects or other issues related to the tires themselves. These warranties typically cover things like punctures, blowouts, and other damage that is not caused by normal wear and tear.

What is a Limited Tire Warranty?

A limited tire warranty is a warranty that is included with some new cars that provides coverage for defects in the tires. These warranties are typically limited in scope and duration, and may only cover certain types of damage or defects.

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Tire Warranty vs. New Car Warranty

While a new car warranty may not cover tires, it is still important to understand the differences between a tire warranty and a new car warranty. A tire warranty is specifically designed to cover issues with the tires themselves, while a new car warranty covers other components of the vehicle.

Benefits of a Tire Warranty

One of the main benefits of a tire warranty is that it provides peace of mind for the driver. If something goes wrong with the tires, the driver can rest assured that the issue will be taken care of.

Benefits of a New Car Warranty

A new car warranty provides coverage for a wide range of components of the vehicle, which can save the driver money in the long run. If something fails due to a defect in materials or workmanship, the manufacturer will cover the cost of repairs or replacement.

In Conclusion

In most cases, tires are not covered under a new car warranty. However, it is still important to understand the differences between a tire warranty and a new car warranty, and to know what is and is not covered under each. By understanding your warranties, you can make informed decisions about your vehicle and ensure that you are protected in the event of an issue.

Key Takeaways:

  • Most new cars come with a warranty that covers defects and repairs for a certain period of time.
  • The warranty typically covers parts and labor costs for repairs, but it’s important to check the specifics of your warranty to see what is covered.
  • Tires are usually not covered under the new car warranty, as they are considered a wear and tear item.
  • However, some manufacturers offer a separate warranty for tires that may cover defects or damage.
  • It’s important to regularly maintain and replace your tires, as worn or damaged tires can impact the safety and performance of your vehicle.
  • Be sure to read your warranty carefully and ask your dealer or manufacturer about any additional warranties that may be available for your tires.
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In summary, while tires are generally not covered under the new car warranty, it’s important to prioritize their maintenance and replacement to ensure the safety and performance of your vehicle.

What is covered under car manufacturer warranty? New Car Warranty Explained

As a professional writer, I can confidently say that the answer to the question “Are tires covered under new car warranty?” is not a straightforward one. While some car manufacturers include tire coverage in their warranties, others do not. It all boils down to the terms and conditions of the warranty that comes with your new car.

One thing is certain, however – tires are an essential part of your car’s performance and safety. They are the only point of contact between your car and the road, and as such, they can make or break your driving experience. Whether your car warranty covers your tires or not, it is crucial to ensure that your tires are well-maintained and in good condition to avoid accidents and unnecessary expenses down the road. So, if you’re buying a new car, make sure to read the fine print of the warranty to know what is covered and what is not. And if you’re already a car owner, make tire maintenance a priority to keep yourself and your car safe on the road.

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